What is the Divorce Process?

Tim Miranda

Founding Partner


“What is the divorce process in California? That’s a great question and certainly I can’t explain it in 20 seconds or less. Let’s just say that one of the two parties, not both only one, has to decide “hey I don’t want to be married anymore”, and that person goes and files a petition in court. Guess what? Game on. We now have a lawsuit, but it’s a divorce lawsuit.

Then what happens? You have to do mandatory disclosures – This is what I’ve got, this is what you’ve got. Then after that you probably have some motions, pre-trial motions, child support, spousal support, child custody, things like that. Then if you don’t settle, and a lot of them do, you end up in a trial.

What’s the trial about? Well there’s no jury, it’s a bench trial in front of a judge and you’re going to deal with every issue that you didn’t resolve already through settlement talks or mediation or any other type of stipulation that would resolve an issue.

Good luck.”


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