How Avoid Getting Burned By Divorce

Tim Miranda

Founding Partner


“How do you avoid getting burned in your divorce?

I feel like I answer this all the time. Take a guess. The number one thing; get a good lawyer. It’s not easy to go into court. You might think you’re smart, maybe you are, but we do this for a living. Get someone who’s competent. You can’t have the blind leading the blind. That’s not going to be a good result. You’re going to get burned.
Two, get your documents in a row. Get your evidence in a row. What is it that you need to prove and how are you going to prove it?

Number three: Think. Think like a rational person. If you’re in a new relationship and you’re in a custody battle, don’t take your new girlfriend to court so your ex-wife and the judge can see your new girlfriend in the audience. And think like a good human being, perhaps the most important part. The court must follow the law. The court cannot be biased but that’s a human being wearing the black robe.

Everyone can access your divorce file because it’s a public record. You don’t want that on the internet. You don’t want your children when they get older to read that.
Be a good human being and you’ll probably have a good outcome, and you won’t get burned.”


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