The Potential Outcomes of Divorce

Tim Miranda

Founding Partner


“So here’s a great question: What is the potential outcome for my divorce?

I wish I had a crystal ball in my briefcase and I could share that with you. What I can surmise is that it’s going to take a long time, it’s going to cost you a lot of money, and you probably won’t be pleased with the result. Now that sounds really harsh coming from a divorce lawyer, but I’m paid to tell the truth, and that’s the truth.

The fact of the matter is that divorces in California take a long time, far too long. The calendar is way too compacted, and it costs a lot. And to get anything done, takes time, and that takes money.

The simple answer is: You should probably stay in the marriage unless you want to go through a divorce, so really make that decision carefully. And when you’re going to go through the divorce, you better find yourself a good lawyer that can help navigate through the delay the cost and all the other inherent problems with the court process, and in particular the family court process.”


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